Pokemon Presents Legends Arceus

Image via Nintendo

Hunting shiny Pokémon is a job usually reserved for the most defended and patient trainers. With random encounters existence a abiding in the series, jumping in and out of battles until y'all finally got that colour variant of your favorite Pokémon would take a lot of time. Pokémon Legends: Arceus takes things in a different direction and shows all of its Pokémon out in the open. So do shiny Pokémon appear in the overworld?

Luckily for anyone who hunts shiny Pokémon, these colored variants will announced in the overworld of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. This ways you do not demand to start an unnecessary battle with a Pokémon to see if the RNG has worked in your favor. Additionally, a special audio cue volition play when a shiny appears, significant if you hear that sound, you should expect effectually for the shiny in your area.

Another matter to keep in mind is that if y'all see a shiny Pokémon appear in your game, yous can save earlier you outset the encounter with them, and the game volition still load them there if you lot reload that save. That means if you miss catching the Pokémon, yous tin quickly reload your save and try once again.

These are some great changes to the usual Pokémon shiny hunt that will make the process much more accessible for everyone and less of a grind for the people who focus on that portion of the game.